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This publication brings together selected Stories of Change to catalyze and motivate governments, stakeholders, and the international development community at large to invest in, and support, poverty-environment mainstreaming across the globe as one element of the transition to an inclusive, green economy.
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Jeffrey Sachs Center for Sustainable Development Sunway
ClimateWorks Australia
Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
This report discusses the region as a whole, cites global trends, and makes recommendations as to how ASEAN may reach net zero in line with the global goal of stabilizing global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees.
Organisation :
World Bank Group
This country forest note provides an upstream analysis of the status of forests as well as investments and policies relevant to the forest sector in the Lao People’s Demographic Republic. The analysis looks at forests in a programmatic and cross-sectoral manner to strategically position the World Bank Group to support the country in delivering on forest-relevant interventions.
Green Growth Potential Assessment – Lao PDR Country Report.JPG
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
The Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) is a diagnostic tool developed by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) that consists of a combination of data analysis and stakeholder consultation in order to identify and prioritise a country’s opportunities for green growth. This report presents the findings of the GGPA for Lao PDR. It reviews in detail the challenges and opportunities across a number of sectors and provides recommendations for each sector.
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
This policy brief examines experiences with gender mainstreaming and the situation of women, men, girls and boys in Lao PDR to identify some of the barriers to inclusive economic growth, gender equality and poverty reduction. The purpose is to provide recommendations to help promote gender equality in the country's National Green Growth Strategy (NGGS) and as green growth is mainstreamed into national planning and policy-making.